Friday, November 7, 2008


These truly are writer's cats. Bubbs came running into the room just now, as I started typing.


Worked overtime today but did a little shopping while making deliveries, picking up some speaker mounting brackets and a staple gun. I have a surround sound stereo my Dad got for me when he worked for an audio company, but the peculiar layout of our living room made me hide the back speakers up out of range. The other speakers were becoming targets for kitten mischief, so I spent a few hours after work hanging them (the speakers, not the cats) from the wall and hiding the wiring as best I could. It was well worth it -- sounds like an entirely new stereo.

I broke it in with the Dylan live 1966 recording, in 360 degree sound. And sure enough, it was: the organs, drums, vox, and bass all seemed to come from different parts of the room. I also put on the Mission of Burma doc for a minute, which isn't a great documentary but worth watching for some excellent footage of the band.


A few weeks ago, I bought a screwdriver set from a truck sale. I was excited at what I perceived as a great deal. I finally tried using the screwdriver tonight and it was too light to bear much forces and the bits melted like butter when I tried to use them.

I can hear my grandfather now: stick to Sears and you can't go wrong.


There are two pellet stoves in the new house, but the cost of the pellets seems higher than electric heating, so we haven't bought any. Or at least not yet.

The stove in the living room has become my little writing desk, and I suppose that's fitting. It puts the typer at just the right height. The kittens have to fight a little to get space, but they somehow manage.


Since Monkey shut down, much has changed in my life.

I have yet to get into what I did with photography, and the highly unusual life I lead during that period. And I thought back and realized that, since then, I've stopped using email almost entirely and communicate to friends with facebook updates. When I get some free time, I'll get into all this and more.

But it's late. The pilot light went out some time last night. I think there's a leak in the water heater that makes it go out easily. I've given the water enough time and there should be enough now for a shower.

Jess is asleep already. And I should be, too. Stay tuned.

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