Monday, December 8, 2008

Complicity and Denial

When I got into work this morning, Billy drew me aside and informed me that the owner of a major, local contracting company arrived drunk to work an hour before and started insulting his workers before firing them all.


"But, Goo Goo, it's your fault," he told me.


Last year, for Christmas, I bought Billy a bottle of blueberry Stoli, since he goes in for blueberry flavored things. And vodka.

And Billy, being of the generous spirit, probably didn't get more than a shot for himself, as he offered it to everyone who came to the counter.

(For the record, Billy gave me my treasured copy of the Neil Diamond boxed set).

Well, the owner of the company in question was on the wagon at the time and hadn't touched a drop in years. Something about the morning or the spirit moved him, and he asked Billy how much he could take.

As much as you want! Holiday cheer!

So he poured himself a full coffee cup of the stuff and shot it down while the counterworkers stood wide-eyed.

And since then, it's been a day by day descent into addiction and chaos for our man, no doubt fueled by the twin demons of the bad economic times and the bad fortunes following men capable of downing a coffee cup full of blueberry vodka early in the morning, while the rest of the world is just beginning to blink and curse the alarm clock.

This has made me rethink my gift to Billy this year, but the die has been cast. Blueberry Stoli, it is!!!


Mike said...

This firing drunk will likely be the first of your 5 ppl you meet in heaven, hahaha

Mike said...

Last time i checked I was like 10 posts behind... now I check daily and there's no new post... "a watched blog never updates" it seems. haha

Sun Wu Kung said...

Ha! We lost power, but I've been writing in word. I wouldn't do that to ya, kid!